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03 Equipment, Software, and Streaming Plan 設備、軟體,以及直播方式

( English / 繁體中文 )

▲ This is how my desk looked like on April 15th, prior to the show

equipment we used for this project:


On actors’ end:

  • smartphones / laptops / computers, as long as it has a camera and good internet connection would do.


  • 一人一台手機/平板/電腦,反正只要是有鏡頭跟網路的電子設備就行得通

On director's (my) end:

  • MacBook Pro (2019) <- for running most of the software

  • MacBook Air (2016) <- for monitoring YouTube live stream

  • An extension monitor (Acer S7, 2015) <- for display captures

  • An Ipad (2017) <- for cue list

  • An HDMI cable

  • A mouse

  • An external hard drive for storage ( I would suggest keeping your MacBook/pc as empty as possible for the sake of speed.)


  • MacBook Pro (2019) <- 拿來執行絕大多數的軟體

  • MacBook Air (2016) <- 監測 YouTube 直播狀態用

  • 外接螢幕 (Acer S7, 2015) <- 為了螢幕擷取用

  • Ipad (2017) <- 拿來看 cue 表用的

  • HDMI 線(和 MacBook Pro 的轉接頭)

  • 滑鼠

  • 外接硬碟 <- 強烈建議使用,這樣電腦裡就不會裝一堆有的沒的減緩速度

Software we used for this project:


For Live-stream:

  • Online Conference: Zoom

  • Live Stream Platform: YouTube on Google Chrome ***** remember to activate the live-streaming function of your account 24 hours prior to using it! Below is a video showing how to set up a live stream on YouTube via OBS; The way to request is to click the link in OBS, as shown in 00:10 in the video and it would direct you to the login in and then the request page.


For Audio:


For Design Elements:

  • Photoshop <- for background and neon light titles

  • Premiere Pro <- for promoting videos


  • Photoshop

  • Premiere Pro

How the Streaming plan works:


  1. Actors(phones) and I(mac) connected via zoom.

  2. I pinned the zoom page on the external monitor (Please make sure you’re not in the mirror screen mode. That said, what’s on the external monitor should not be the same as your computer screen. If you have questions on this, check here:

  3. I operated the configuration of the screen through OBS and sends the signals to the audience through Youtube (For now, I prefer Youtube simply because I like their modules better than FB- I think FB should be fine, too.)

  4. I manipulated the configuration of the screen through OBS in realtime and monitor the audience’s reaction through Youtube.

  1. 演員的裝置和我的筆電以 zoom 接通

  2. 我將 zoom 的畫面放到延伸螢幕後放大到全螢幕(請確定你沒有在鏡像顯示;如果不曉得該怎麼調整請參考:

  3. 經由 OBS 調整影像的配置然後送訊號給 YouTube(我選擇 YouTube 的原因是因為免費介面又舒適,OBS 也支援很多其他好用的平台,大家可以挑喜歡的用)

  4. 我以 OBS 執行演出並在 YouTube Studio 即時跟觀眾互動並監看直播狀態

Set up for live stream

How does the audio plan work:


Before anything, I have to admit that I failed to connect Qlab with OBS and couldn’t figure out why until now. If anyone would like to try, here’s a tutorial on that:

首先我要承認我不知為何無法連接 Qlab 跟 OBS;想要挑戰看看的人請參考:

And this is how I set up for this performance:


Audio setup

The beauty of this setting is, the actors would be able to hear the director’s voice via zoom, yet the audience wouldn’t be able to hear the director on live-stream video. Make sure the zoom input setting on the director’s end is built-in mic + Soundflower(2ch) so that the actors could hear sound effects from Qlab. Output setting on the director’s end depends on what kind of monitor you have: the one I borrow from my roommate has a better sound quality than MacBook and thus I only turn on Soundflower (64ch). You can also set it up as built-in output +Soundflower (64ch), too.


此外,如果將 zoom 的輸入設定成 預設麥克風跟 Sounderflower(2ch) 演員就可以比較清楚地聽見 Qlab 的音效。導演/執行端的輸出就看大家自己喜歡怎麼做;我使用的外接螢幕的喇叭比較好所以我把內建輸出的關掉了(不然他們一起響很煩)。

The downside of this is the director wouldn’t be able to adjust the volume of the built-in output. But you can surely adjust the balance of actors’ voice and sound effects from Qlab on OBS.

這個方法的壞處是執行者無法在 OBS 同時執行 Qlab 的音效,必須要在兩個桌面上滑來滑去,這個比較麻煩一點。

How I minimalized the delay:


Setting on YouTube:

YouTube 裡的設定:

The key is the [ Low-latency ] mode on the bottom left of the page. Though the quality of the video may be compromised, at least the delay would be shorter.

重點是左下的 [ Low-latency ] 模式:雖然它會讓直播的畫質變低,但至少它可以讓直播更流暢地進行。

Setting on OBS:

OBS 的設定:

  • Output / 輸出:

  • Video / 影像:I set all the resolution for 1080 p / 畫質跟影像大小都直接用 1080p 的設定

The live stream actually stopped twice during this performance; hopefully, both times it reconnected within 5 seconds so it wasn't too bad. I don't really know how to solve this- it would be great if any of you are reading this could throw out some thoughts!

當天演出的直播其實有暫停過兩次;幸運的是兩次都在 5 秒內重新連接上了。我實在不曉得該怎麼解決這個問題:如果正在看這篇文章的你對此有什麼想法,還請不吝指教!

I’m not going to talk about other software here as there are already lots of great tutorials available on youtube!

其他的軟體我就不贅述了- 網路上早就有更多精緻的教學影片啦 :)

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